5 Tips To Creating a More Modern Web Site in 2019
With the plethora of web design platforms available today, it’s easier than ever to build a simple, clean and more modern web site for your company or your clients. Whether you use WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace or a custom design to bring your vision to life, keep these five tips in mind.
1. Keep it Simple
You’ve heard the acronym KISS before (Keep It Simple Stupid). Well that applies to web design as well. It’s important to complete the exercise of editing down your content to just the most important points you want to make or information you want to share with your audience. Think elevator speech vs. annual report.
2. Use Clean and Legible Type
Make it easy for your visitors to view and absorb your content. Using scripted fonts or reversed type on complex images increases the chances that your customers will miss important information or even worse, will become frustrated and bounce.
3. Use a Content Framework That Is Easy to Understand
If your customers can’t find what they are looking for in a few simple clicks, they will look for it elsewhere. Use a simple navigation system that provides clear links to they key information you want to convey.
4. Provide the Most Relevant Information On The Home Page
Related to tip #3, the more information you can put on your home page, the better to decrease click fatigue. Many of the most popular templates now provide the option to include all site content on the home page in a scrolling format for this reason.
5. Consider Video Or Simple Animation To Bring Energy To Your Site
Using video or simple animation within your site will help to create more energy and interest in the static content portions. A sense of movement keeps the viewer engaged and makes the site feel more organic.
If you or your clients are in need of assistance with web design or development projects, check us out @vwaatlanta.com.