Print Isn’t Dead!


It appears that the early pronouncements of the demise of print are premature.  According to the article, Print isn’t dead:  Why marketers are going back to the basics, print remains a viable and effective medium.  

Some key takeaways:

Consumers trust printed books and magazines as a way to switch off and reduce digital overload.

“While many believed physical books were done and dusted after the Kindle launched in 2007, the stats tell a different story. Since 2013, publisher-reported revenue in the US has increased by $820 million, while e-book sales slipped by 3.9 percent in 2018. “

Marketers are also beginning to realize the benefits of integrating print and digital efforts.

“The argument about whether digital or print reigns supreme is ultimately a false dichotomy. For marketers, the combination of both can be the most effective strategy.  Branching out into different mediums allows you to connect with a whole new audience and introduce them to your content.  Using print to supplement a digital strategy also lets you cut content in a range of different ways for different audiences: as with any channel, it’s about making sure the content fits the medium. “

Print can also help to leave a deeper and more lasting brand impression upon consumers.

According to a study conducted by Millward Brown in 2009, tangible material is more real to the brain. It has a meaning, and a place. It is also better connected to memory.  In addition, printed items generate more emotion, which in turn helps to develop more positive brand associations.

It turns out print is alive and well. If anything, it’s going to be more of a focus in 2019, as brands discover new tools and technologies that mean they can apply the same tactics and measurement from digital channels to print. Smart marketers will be jumping at the chance to reach audiences in all the different places and moments they consume media – as long as it’s relevant and unique.

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