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Supply chain challenges and driver shortages are disrupting commerce around the world. It’s harder than ever before to keep things moving safely on time, and on budget. VWA client, NexTraq, is a leader in the telematics space. They help fleet operators collect data via sensors, engine diagnostics, and GPS to aid fleet operators in making decisions based on driver behavior. VWA helped NexTraq launch the NexTraq Fleet Defender. Fleet Defender is an AI-powered camera system that combines video footage with fleet management insights—all with the goal of promoting safer driving and improving fleet performance. The launch was all inclusive, VWA worked with the client to build a total communication package targeting fleet managers large and small. This included website, digital advertising, direct mail, training videos, trade show collateral, trade show booth, and an email marketing campaign. In the competitive telematics space, this campaign stood above the rest and led to the most successful product launch in in the history of NexTraq®.